An NVivo license:Â The most cited and powerful QDA software for data analysis. Choose a Windows or Mac individual license.
NVivo Core Skills Online Course: Includes videos, live coaching and a Q&A forum to help you analyze qualitative data fast.
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Student Licenses provide access to all the features of NVivo, limited for 12 months.
Individual and small group licenses (up to nine) can be bought online.
Organization licenses are available. If you want to purchase ten or more licenses, or enter an enterprise agreement, contact our sales team.
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It's easy to buy student, individual and small group licenses (student license limited to one per account, individual and small group licenses up to nine) online.
To purchase ten or more NVivo qualitative research software licenses for your team or organization, Contact Us to reach our sales team or one of our international NVivo partners.
The main role of qualitative analysis tools is to help researchers analyze non-numerical data. The core functions of QDAs typically include:
When sorting through qualitative analysis tools for your research project, there are a few important questions to ask:
For individual and small groups (less than 9 individuals), take advantage of the most recent updates and software enhancements by purchasing the latest version here.
For larger groups and institutional/enterprise users, subscription options at volume rates are offered that secure the latest features as they are released. To purchase ten or more NVivo licenses for your team or organization, Contact Us to reach our sales team or one of our international NVivo partners.
Lumivero's Support team is committed to your success using our software and actively supports the two previous versions of the most current version.
Begin your journey towards deeper insights and more robust results. NVivo provides better research collaboration, deeper integration, and is easier to use than ever.
Begin your journey towards deeper insights and more robust results. NVivo provides better research collaboration, deeper integration, and is easier to use than ever.