Applications are now open for the QSR Early Career Research Grant - $25,000 USD.
Is there life after the doctorate? After all the time and energy put into getting your doctorate, you may find yourself at the bottom of another greasy pole. We are here to give you a boost to accelerate the next phase of your career. We know funders prefer funding projects run by researchers with a track record of successfully completed research projects. But we know that some of the best ideas come from newly minted academics. Let us help you break into the world of funded research.
Our first grant winner in 2020 was Nicole Corley. She received her PhD three years before applying for the QSR Research Grant. It was the first time Nicole applied for any research funding and was thrilled when she found out that she won. She found that the process of writing the application helped to solidify what she wanted to do with her career. You can hear Nicole talk about her experience in an NVivo podcast – Episode 18: And Ain’t I A Mother, An Exploration of Black Motherhood through Collage Making with QSR & IIQM Grant Winner. You can also learn more about Nicole’s work on her project website here.
I want to encourage early career researchers to apply for the grant. The application process itself can help clarify what you want to do with your career, as it did for Nicole. The grant is open to researchers worldwide.
To learn more about the grant as well as eligibility criteria, guidelines and  how to apply, visit the QSR Early Career Research Grant page.
If you have any questions, please feel free to contact me at