
Resource Library

Dec. 29, 2008
Monte Carlo Simulation Provides Advantages in Six Sigma

First of all, what is Monte Carlo simulation? Monte Carlo simulation is a computerized mathematical technique that allows people to account for variability in their process to enhance quantitative analysis and decision making. The technique is used by professionals in such widely disparate fields as finance, project management, energy, manufacturing, engineering, research and development, insurance, […]

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Oct. 24, 2008
Tornado Graphs: Basic Interpretation

When using @RISK (risk analysis software for conducting Monte Carlo simulations in Microsoft Excel), one of the output graphs is a tornado graph. Such graphs have their most direct interpretation for linear models with independent input distributions, such as in most typical cost budgeting models. In these cases, the regression coefficients provide a measure of […]

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Jun. 30, 2008
Palisade - Quantifying Risk

@RISK is used to assess the relative benefits of different drilling strategies for Lundin, a small exploration company, for field development. Click here to read the article.

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Aug. 3, 2007
Academics Tackle Epidemics

A discussion of how modelling software is having an impact on monitoring the spread of global diseases. An example using @RISK to combat avian flu is included. Click here to read the article.

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Jul. 9, 2007
Neural Network Analysis Speeds Disease Risk Predictions

Researchers at the University of the Pacific’s Thomas J. Long School of Pharmacy and Health Sciences used Palisade’s NeuralTools to assist in the evaluation of both the impact of pathological processes and their implications for drug therapy. Click here to read the article.

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Jul. 19, 2006
Capital Budgeting: Rational Outsourcing Decision in VoIP Projects

According to a recent Harvard Business School study, higher IT capability directly correlates with superior revenue growth. Nearly all IT managers (at more than 150 large enterprises) surveyed for the study said they plan to increase outsourcing, particularly in the areas of application development and IT infrastructure. This article features PrecisionTree to evaluate outsourcing decisions. […]

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Mar. 29, 2006
Capital Budgeting: Managing Efficient IT Project Portfolios

This is the first in a series of articles that will examine some of the most commonly used decision-making methods for the selection or rejection of individual projects throughout the project portfolio management process. These methods determine whether or not a given project (either proposed or in process) should be included in your next capital […]

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Feb. 27, 2006
Neural Networks Software Crunches the Big Numbers

Palisade's Mirek Janusz provides a summary of the methodology and applications of neural networks software, including Palisade's NeuralTools. Click here to read the article.

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Feb. 6, 2006
'Exotic' Programming Tools Go Mainstream

I was looking for a software tool that was easy to use and would do forecasting based on complex parameters,’ said independent health care consultant Barb Tawney, who described to eWEEK Labs her use of NeuralTools from Lumivero. Click here to read the article.

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Jun. 1, 2005
If You Build It, Will They Come?

In this article, @RISK is used to illustrate how to plan for retirement more accurately using Monte Carlo simulation. Click here to read the article. Download sample model and graph referenced in this article.

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