Accidents are part of the research process. Many breakthroughs come about unexpectedly or by mistake.
Wouldn't it be great if you could more consistently obtain such eureka moments in your own academic endeavors?
If you could do something to encourage these happy accidents?
Our new blog aims to help you do just that.
Planned Accidents is written by the team behind Citavi and reflects a basic premise of our software: better organization leads to better research. If you have your sources and processes in order, you can free your mind for making connections and generating new ideas.
Why listen to us? Each day we help countless students, professors, independent scholars, and researchers improve their workflows and find solutions to their research problems. Because of the tool we provide, we often find ourselves advising our users on best practices and going beyond basic technical support.
Over the past ten years, we've amassed heaps of helpful tips, workflows, and strategies that can help anyone who does academic research, at any level. And now we want to share them with you.
Blog posts will appear every two weeks. They'll run the gamut from practical "how-to" tips for everyday research tasks to more reflective musings on all things academic. We hope to help, inspire, and entertain you with our posts.
Just like a research paper, dissertation or book, this blog is a work in progress and can only improve with outside feedback.
We ask that you please share your thoughts with us, even if it’s just a one-line email reading "Thanks for this post!" or "Terrible post!" We want to share information that helps our readers, so let us know if we’ve gone off track – but please also let us know what we’re doing right. You can contact us at