
Resource Library

Sep. 19, 2011
Q&A on risk assessment and analysis

Given the state of the current global economy, there's been a lot of talk about the need for "proper risk analysis." The concept of risk analysis and management has been around for many years but still is not executed well within the software industry. For any risk analysis assessment to be meaningful, it must take […]

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Aug. 17, 2011
Getting the Full Picture Combining Monte Carlo Simulation with Decision Tree Analysis - Part I

@RISK is available with companion product PrecisionTree in the DecisionToolsSuite. PrecisionTree creates decision trees in Excel to allow you to map and understand the complex decision problems. @RISK functions are recognized by PrecisionTree, and the two may be launched from a common Excel toolbar. @RISK allows you to: quantify the uncertainty that exists in the values and probabilities […]

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Sep. 3, 2010
Risk managers deserve a higher profile

This article explains how 'Black Swan' events are changing perceptions of risk analysis. Click here to read the article.

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Aug. 10, 2010
Using RiskSimtable to Perform Multiple Simulations

@RISK’s use of Monte Carlo simulation allows for powerful features, like RiskSimtable. The RiskSimtable feature can be used to run multiple simulations to test the sensitivity of the risk analysis model, for example to changes in the parameters of a distribution. This model is of a business with a base case expected revenue of 100 and […]

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Jul. 20, 2010
Why Risk Managers Need a Higher Profile

This article explains why now is the perfect opportunity for risk managers to play a more important role in companies than ever before. Click here to read the article.

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Jun. 8, 2010
Running Multiple Risk Analysis Simulations in @RISK with Sensitivity Simulation

Example Model of Sensitivity Simulation: SENSIM.XLS Sensitivity analysis in @RISK (risk analysis software using Monte Carlo simulation) lets you see the impact of uncertain risk analysis model parameters on your results. But what if some of the uncertain model parameters are under your control? In this case the value a variable will take is not random, but […]

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Feb. 5, 2010
The Rise of the NOMFET

By now we’ve become accustomed to the marvels of neural network technology and, in fact, inured to the advances it brought in statistical analysis with its computational simulations of nerve cells.  Its many everyday applications–especially in online retailing–seem kind of ho-hum, and we’d be put out if for some reason they weren’t in use. Wasn’t […]

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Sep. 17, 2009
The DNA of Cement

A team of MIT scientists calling themselves Liquid Stone made a breakthrough (as it were) discovery about cement.  The Romans used cement to build their remarkable aqueducts, and the stuff is still in use.  In fact it’s one the most widely used building materials on the planet.  It has a chemical name, calcium-silica-hydrate.  But until recent, […]

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Sep. 1, 2009
Analysis Placebos: The Difference Between Perceived and Real Benefits of Risk Analysis and Decision Models

The authors examine decision analysis methods that merely make people feel better about their decisions with those that produce measurable improvements over time. They find that Monte Carlo simulation is one of the most effective methods for decision and risk analysis. Click here to read the article.

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Sep. 1, 2009
Modeling the Compound Effect of Concurrent Occurrences of Risk Events with @RISK

When modeling risk events, it is common that several events could affect the same cost element of a project. During the simulation, two or more risk events can occur at the same time. The question becomes how to calculate the total impact. This type of modeling technique is very common and often needed in project […]

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Jun. 9, 2009
Using Named Ranges in Excel: Some Comments

An earlier blog on Best Practice Principles in .Excel Modelling generated quite some interest, as well as demand for more details on some of the points made, especially those concerning the use of named ranges risk assessment models in Microsoft Excel. In the earlier posting, I had simply stated that (in my opinion): “Named ranges should […]

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Apr. 1, 2009
Best Practices in Risk Modelling

The blog positing on best practices in Excel modelling could be thought of as providing a reasonable and robust set of principles for building static Excel models. When building simulation models for risk analysis in Excel (for instance, with @RISK Monte Carlo software), some other points are worthy of consideration: A risk model may need to be built […]

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