10 Tips For Staying Productive on the Go Summer, sunshine, vacation... as soon as you finish up that one thesis chapter, that is. If time is tight and you've got a bit of a journey ahead of you, you might decide to take your work with you and finish it on the go. The bus […]
Best practices for collaborating with colleagues, data source considerations, and sharing actionable insights for healthcare and non-profit researchers Collaboration and stakeholder management Engaging in a research project outside of an academic context can be a much different experience, particularly for those working in healthcare, non-profits and NGO’s. One of the major differences you’re likely to […]
Renewables pose real challenges for utility operators, particularly solar and wind power. Renewables such as biomass, geothermal, and hydro, however, are as controllable as fossil fuel plants. How do you account for the uncertainty inherent in the more unpredictable sources of renewable energy? Using DecisionTools Suite products @RISK, Evolver, and RISKOptimizer, the author examines unique […]
NVivo and SPSS both feature heavily in the toolkit I use as a researcher, so I was pretty excited when I heard that NVivo would enable me to work with SPSS data for my mixed methods research. Why am I so excited? Mixed methods data analysis was always possible in NVivo, but it was necessary […]
Just pick a citation style and let your computer take care of the rest! It’s 12 a.m. You’ve got a paper deadline, and, luckily, all you have to finish is the bibliography. You crack open your style guidelines and see the following: Author last name, author first name, open parenthesis, year, closing parenthesis, colon, title […]