Take a Look Inside

See What Sonia Can Do

Sonia streamlines your student placement program to work for everyone.

Explore Sonia's Core Capabilities

Sonia is packed with features to optimize your student placement program, from the transition of student data and records management to automation and workflow mapping.

Sonia Basics: Students

Create a Student
The Student Module
To work with Sonia, you’ll need to create Student records, either manually or by using the Student Importer.

This video shows how you can manually create a new Student and make the Student active.

It is even easier if your institute uses the Student importer to bring Students into Sonia directly from your Student Enrollment system.

Student information is stored in the ‘Student Module’ in the Sonia Client. In this module, you will be able to view student details, check information, placement details, as well as anything associated with the student.

In this video we are going to see where this information is located, as well as the difference between an active and an inactive student, and where we can find inactive students in the Sonia Client.
Search freely accessible databases, library catalogs, and research databases your organization has licensed – without leaving Citavi.
Save search queries you often use and avoid importing duplicates.
Add references from Google Scholar, PubMed, and every other online research database with an export option.
Citavi saves a list of your imports. You can always check where, when, and with what search terms you performed a search and view the references you added.
Improve Placement Outcomes
Maximize Student Experience
Data Management & Reporting
Free up time to focus on ensuring the best possible placements for your students. For student placement specialists who need a better solution for managing data, reporting and placement processes, Sonia is powerful yet intuitive to use, so you can focus less on admin, and more on what counts.
Easily manage sites, site contacts, and other pertinent information in one centralized location
Get up and running quickly with out of the box support for workflows, forms, and reports 
Communicate easily with sites, students, and supervisors
Sonia provides a streamlined yet customizable platform that supports a more efficient placement operation. Whether your goals are to enhance your institution's reputation, increase your national rankings, or increase alumni employment rates, Sonia is the student placement program to help you get there. 
Ensure students gain the essential experience they need with a comprehensive educational experience that meets the highest standards
Develop a reputation for successful alumni and satisfied students to attract more applicants and rise in national and global rankings
Give your placement team the tools needed to grow and scale your program successfully
Build ties to community partners through sending prepared students and minimizing stress for site contacts
Go paperless with electronic forms, customize as your program scales with faculty or site wide options, and gain efficiencies. Sonia is compliant with the Family Educational Rights and Privacy Act (FERPA), the Health Insurance Portability and Accountability Act 1996 (HIPAA), the Australian Privacy Act 1988 (Cth) and the General Data Protection Regulations (GDPR). 
Sonia provides out of the box support for workflows, forms, and reports, meaning your team is up and running as quickly as possible
Sonia's integrated reporting tools give you visibility across all aspects of your program's performance. View reports on student activity, legislative requirements and your institution's management needs.

Sonia Basics: Placement to Reporting

Sonia is designed to easily and efficiently manage placement programs in any discipline.

Supported Placements: Safe & Secure

Connecting Sites & Students
Implementation Support
Industry Certifications
Manage more sites more effectively to help place your students in diverse and engaging placements. Schools, healthcare facilities, and social services organizations need mutually beneficial relationships with educational institutions and their students.

Robust communication channels facilitate ongoing feedback to monitor student progress and address any issues that arise.
Track requirements for students to be placed at each institution
Keep in touch with the student and the site contacts throughout the process
Collect feedback and progress throughout placements of any length
Implementing a new system can be daunting. Sonia's team of experts are here to support you.
On-site or virtual expert support and training during initial setup
DBServer projects are saved on your organization’s own SQL server and offer additional licensing options.
An administrator manages licenses and assigns differentiated project roles to individual team members.
If desired, Citavi for DBServer also lets large teams across the world work together on cloud projects saved on Microsoft Azure servers in Europe.
Created in 1999 by Planet Software and built on important industry standards, Sonia has a history of managing student placements at universities around the world. With its strong reputation and key certifications, Sonia is often integrated as a critical part of a university's technology ecosystem. 

With a growth rate of over 300% in the US over the past three years, Sonia continues to build its global reputation as a leader in field education placement technology.
1EdTech (formerly IMS Global) Certified
Sonia can integrate with any LTI certified Learning Management System platform or tools, including Blackboard and TurnItIn.
Microsoft Gold Partner
QSR International is a Microsoft Gold Certified Partner. The elite in application development with the highest customer endorsement.

Experience the Power of Sonia for Yourself

Learn more about how Sonia can help with managing more sites, more effectively to place your student in diverse and engaging placements.

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