Integrated risk management software

Enterprise-wide risk management

The Predict! Suite combines everything you need for successful risk management strategy in one simple, easy to use solution.

As a risk professional, there’s no time to waste on manual administrative tasks or updates. With the power of Predict!, you can focus on strategic, risk-based decision making that will create stakeholder confidence, safeguard reputation, and deliver results on time and on budget.

Trusted by industry leaders across the globe

How Predict! works

From the ground up, Predict! has been designed to be your simple and easy-to-use risk management center. From here, you can manage your entire risk network, individual projects, multiple projects, operational, strategic, and corporate risks–and so much more–within three key screens.

Benefits of Predict!

By combining the Predict! capabilities with our decades of consulting expertise, you can build a proactive strategy for risk management.
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Bringing projects in on-time and on-budget

For any organization, having a complete picture of how you manage your risks is vital to a successful risk strategy. With Predict!, you get a comprehensive understanding of your organization's risk exposure and the confidence to lead an impactful response through effective, engaging, and integrated risk capability.

Safeguard how you connect risk across your organization

Predict! Risk Controller is the ISO 31000 compliant database that contains all of your risks including threats, issues and opportunities along with controls and actions. Predict! meets your risk management needs with a modern, fully integrated system including risk assessment, analysis, reporting and visualization. It gives you the complete picture of how you are managing your risks and makes it easy for everyone in your team to keep those risks up to date.
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Customer success stories with Predict! 

Learn how Predict! Suite has helped decision makers to improve risk and decision analysis efforts.

Predict! Risk Controller

A full picture of risk management is vital to a successful strategy. Predict! Risk Controller provides a clear understanding of your business risk exposure, enabling confident decision-making and impactful responses. Designed for simplicity and speed, this intuitive platform enhances user engagement and organizational adoption—allowing you to focus on long-term organizational strategies, grounded in accurate data.
User-friendly interface: Three simple screens—Dashboard, Lists, and Detail—ensure that even infrequent users can efficiently update and manage risk and action information.
Powerful lists: Select the risks, actions, and controls that meet your criteria from all the items that are visible to you. Perform quick and/or bulk updating directly from the list view. No more spreadsheet-based restrictions.
Configurable assessments: Qualitatively or quantitatively assess risks based on the criteria and thresholds relevant to their area of impact (project, program, business unit, etc.). Easily remap risks from multiple areas to see them from a consistent program, functional, or enterprise perspective.
Improved decision-making: Generate insightful reports that allow you to ‘slice & dice’ your risk data to identify risk hotspots or anomalies.
Proactive notifications: Receive alerts for new items, significant changes, and upcoming or overdue risks and actions, ensuring timely responses and continuous engagement.
Predict! Connect API: Link Predict! to your favorite business applications. Our two-way REST API is licensed free of charge with Predict! Risk Controller and enables you to add or update Predict! information.

Predict! Risk Analyser

Projects operate in a constantly evolving environment, and Predict! Risk Analyser ensures you can confidently handle uncertainty and make quick decisions. Use Predict! Risk Analyser to test the resilience of your schedule and budget, pinpoint key risk areas impacting project completion, and demonstrate the benefit of mitigation actions.
Create options: Play what-if to work out the best ways to manage risks and exploit opportunities. So you can make smarter scenario based risk decisions about the route to take.
At a glance: Schedule and cost confidences show your current risk position. Tornados and S-curves support decision making. See immediately where to focus.
Pin-point the drivers: Identify uncertainty hot spots, key risks and opportunities driving the schedule and budget. With Predict! you can deep dive into the data to discover the answers you need.
The benefit of action: Calculate the cost benefit and build a business case for proactive expenditure. Get ahead of the game, so you can return contingency budget to margin.

Predict! Risk Reporter

As busy managers, you need to make data-driven decisions quickly. Reports with clear visualizations of real-time risk information from across your organization are essential. With Predict! Risk Reporter, you can create and share custom report templates within the Predict! Risk Controller report menu – encouraging broader user engagement.
Integrated and practical: All reports run from the Predict! Risk Controller list and detail screens, simplifying corporate reporting. Produce editable Microsoft Word, PowerPoint, or PDF documents, with direct navigation to specific risks.
Corporate consistency: Deliver your organization's distinctive reporting requirements, whatever the complexity. Have your reports ready for decision-making; monthly, quarterly, or any time in-between.
Whatever you want: Present your data in the way that works for you. Visualizations – heat grids, scatter/bubble charts, spider charts, etc. – as well as tabular formats.

Predict! Risk Visualiser

As organizations manage complex risk networks, having a clear, interactive view of risk relationships is essential. Directly accessible from any Risk List, Predict! Risk Visualiser allows you to take a view across your entire risk network, business unit, single or multiple projects, in a top-down interactive format showing you:
Risk grouping: View risks categorized by the criteria of your choice.
Risk connections: Understand how risks are linked and assess the strength of their connections.
Risk velocity: Identify how quickly risks could impact your organization.
Predict! Risk Visualiser’s interactive capability is the perfect tool to open up risk conversations across your organization and is ISO 31000 compliant.

Predict! Connect

Predict! Connect, our two-way REST API, is licensed free of charge with Predict! Risk Controller and enables you to:
Extract risk, action, and control information from the Predict! database into Common Data Environments.
Access Predict! data for use in reporting tools such as Microsoft Power BI
View, create and update Predict! Risk, action, and control data through web pages or self-built applications
Link Predict! to and from your favorite business applications (subject to appropriate connector availability).
Predict! Connect requires standard user login access and complies with the Predict! security model.

Predict! Bow Tie

Risk professionals need effective ways to communicate risk and its potential impacts to key stakeholders. The bow-tie diagram is a powerful tool that visually represents the causes, consequences, and controls surrounding a risk, making complex risks easier to understand.
Improve collaboration & risk understanding
Visualize risks in a bow-tie format to help all stakeholders grasp and communicate risk environments clearly.
Monitor changes in your risk environment
The dynamic bow-tie diagram updates automatically as risks evolve, enabling quick responses.
Facilitate risk discussions & strengthen risk culture
Use the Bow Tie Report as a central tool for reviews, ensuring risk ownership and alignment with risk appetite.


Need Help Choosing QDA Software?

Choosing qualitative data analysis tools can be confusing! Check out these answers to common questions about NVivo data analysis solution for your qualitative research.

What is NVivo?

What can I do with NVivo?

Who is NVivo for?

How much does NVivo cost?

What are the core functions common to most QDA programs?

What research methodologies are supported by qualitative analysis tools?

What factors should I consider when choosing QDA software?

How do I upgrade NVivo?

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Begin your journey towards deeper insights and more robust results. NVivo provides better research collaboration, deeper integration, and is easier to use than ever.

Make smarter decisions with Predict!

Get in touch with our experts today to explore how you can manage risk with confidence.

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