Presenting & Reporting (Data Outputs)

Organize and Present Your Findings and Insights With Impact

Ensure your findings, reports, and presentations are complete, accurate, well-sourced, striking and memorable. Start with the data, analysis, and results powered by Lumivero’s qualitative and quantitative analysis solutions, integrate files from outside sources, manage your references, and generate a polished final product.

Turning Complicated Report Preparations into Simple, Effective Processes

Researchers may have to cite as many as 200 sources (or more), as well as handle formatting, showing codes, and exporting everything into their final report documents. They may cite information from multiple types of files drawn from thousands of different outside sources.
Lumivero’s Citavi allows you to easily export all of this information into your report narrative plus your citations, organizing it all perfectly. It also allows you to export the demographic information of your interview and focus group subjects so you can easily show who you talked to and why it makes a difference. With Citavi, you can publish and present memorable reports that share powerful insights - in a fraction of the time you would need without Lumivero tools.

Ensure Your Findings, Reports, and Presentations Make An Impact

With Lumivero, you not only have the tools to gather, organize, and analyze your data, you also can make sure your findings look great in every detail with reports that hold your audience’s attention.

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