In-Depth Software Tours
This short, interactive tutorial is designed to teach you how to use @RISK software by walking you through an actual risk model – all under 30 minutes! Build a model step by step, following the simple video instructions provided.
The Quick Start model shown in the videos is bundled with the software. You can access the model by clicking on the Quick Start link shown in the software welcome screen at launch, or by selecting Example Spreadsheets from the software Help menu.
Download a trial version of the DecisionTools Suite to follow along, if you haven’t already purchased the software.
Guided Tours explain the functionality of each part of the software ribbon in detail. Learn how the features work, improve your efficiency, and avoid errors in your models.
If you are new to the software, it will help to review the Quick Start videos for each product before beginning the Guided Tour. The Quick Start tutorials are linked from each product’s opening Welcome screen, and can be found online here.