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Mar. 18, 2019
Some Best Practice Principles in Excel Modeling

This blog briefly posts some fairly standard “best practice principles” in Excel modeling. The following principles are generally to be applied to Excel models (in fact, in practice, many of these may need to be varied or interpreted in a slightly different way than it might seem at first: The model should be objectives driven, […]

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Mar. 6, 2019
Calculation of Pi using Simulation and Other Approximations

Just for fun, here we talk about using Monte Carlo simulation to estimate the value of π (3.14159…). A circle of radius one will have area equal to π, and a square drawn around that circle will have area 4. When centered at the origin the circle has the equation x^2+y^2=1. Therefore if one were […]

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Feb. 12, 2019
Can I cite Wikipedia in my paper?

What place does Wikipedia have in academic writing? When you start a research paper, you may not be very familiar with your topic. You’ll want to quickly get an overview of it and learn some of the associated terminology so that you can start refining your research question and searching for sources. In such cases, […]

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Jan. 31, 2019
Reflecting on the past year

Celebrate your best moments and thwart the negativity bias As we stand on the threshold of a new year, many of us have already thought up some resolutions. Whether it’s to be a better student, write more dissertation pages per week, or something non-academic, such as doing more sports or eating healthier, many of us […]

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Jan. 21, 2019
Reference Management Resolutions

Get your sources under control in 2019 Did you make resolutions last year that you never saw through? Everything will be different this year! We’ve given you nine resolutions you’re sure to be able to fulfill and that will really help your academic writing: Pick a program If you don’t yet work with a reference […]

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Jan. 15, 2019
What type of source is this anyway?!

Tips for recognizing, adding, and citing different reference types The sources you use to write your paper are a bit like road signs. Just as you need to know what the sign means in order to act according to the corresponding driving laws, you need to know what type of source you are working with […]

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Dec. 31, 2018
Oil & Gas Webinar Series 4: Modeling Commodity Price Risk with Time Series | January 5, 2023
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Dec. 30, 2018
Oil & Gas Webinar Series 3: Drilling Times Forecasting with @RISK | December 20, 2022
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Dec. 29, 2018
Oil & Gas Webinar Series 2: Production Curve Risk | December 8, 2022
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Dec. 28, 2018
Bombeo de Agua en Minería: Aprovechando las Diferencias de Precios en Mercado Spot con @RISK | December 6, 2022
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Dec. 27, 2018
Oil & Gas Webinar Series 1: Project Valuation and Risks | December 2, 2022
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Dec. 26, 2018
Assessing Optimum Delivery Strategy for Procuring a Major Water Pipeline Project | November 28, 2022
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