
Navigating the German IDW PS340 Regulation with @RISK

This case study illustrates a potential implementation of regulatory requirements to quantify the probability of business continuity. It demonstrates a potential quantification of operating and risk register (low probability/high impact) risks and their impact on the balance sheet and the income statement using @RISK

You will find four scenarios within the model:

  1. Integration of Operating Risk
  2. Integration of Operating Risk and Risk Register Risks (pre-mitigation)
  3. Integration of Operating Risk and Risk Register Risks (post-mitigation not including mitigation cost)
  4. Integration of Operating Risk and Risk Register Risks (post-mitigation including mitigation cost)

Note: Palisade assumes no liability for your use of any of this example model. This example model is provided as-is without warranty of any kind, and by downloading it you assume all risk for the use of and/or results generated from this model.

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