
Creating Insights to Drive Effective Governance

Government departments have a unique responsibility to deliver robust findings and make comprehensive recommendations for policy and program enhancements, that stand up to scrutiny from stakeholders. Lumivero’s software suite gives you the analysis capabilities needed to make evidence-based decisions that stand up to inquiry and challenge.

Dig Deeper Into Data to Power Government That Works

Policy shouldn’t be made based on guesswork or biases. Policymaking relies on facts derived from solid research. Likewise, the leaders of government agencies need strong data with effective analysis to assess their work. Public policy and government administration impact too much to be driven by presumptions. Trust the tools of Lumivero to help guide the clearest and most actionable insights from qualitative sociology to policy analysis frameworks.

Manage Agency Effectiveness

When proposing new programs or changes to existing policies, you need evidence to back up your recommendations. Link your proposals to clear data with robust analysis so that decisions will get buy-in from key stakeholders and stand up to scrutiny. Lumivero software solutions make it possible to gather qualitative data from focus groups and interviews, then apply tools to analyze that data and identify patterns and categories that can be used to pinpoint issues and form action plans for improvement. Our tools help agency leaders produce compelling presentations and protect insights on their data analysis to help earn funding for needed initiatives.
Available Products:

Track Public Opinion

While quantitative data may tell policymakers the for/against breakdown, qualitative data tells them the reasons and the deeper feelings of the public. With Lumivero solutions, qualitative data can be broken down and analyzed as clearly as quantitative, so policymakers will not only have the numerical breakdown but also the meanings behind it when they decide on policy directions. Then you can use our predictive modeling tools and forecasting techniques to generate a reliable picture of the future to assist your decision making.
Available Products:

Run Risk Simulation

Holding government departments and programs accountable to deliver results is an important task. Analyze program impact and assess areas of opportunity using  analysis capabilities of Lumivero software. Whether planning for national security initiatives, disaster response, or a major regulatory initiative, government officials need to understand the potential outcomes of their decisions so they can assess the risk of unintended consequences. Leaders can also run extensive Monte Carlo simulations that show them various potential outcomes and the likelihood of each based on known data - so decision-makers will know the most likely result of the choices they make.
Available Products:


Everything You Need to Know 
to Elevate Your Research

How does Lumivero help those in the Government create impact with their data?

How can Lumivero support in conducting a cost-benefit analysis?

What tools does Lumivero offer to support policy analysis?

Featured Case Studies

US Government strengthens international aid model with qualitative data analysis

The United States Agency of International Development (USAID) is a U.S. government agency that betters the lives of millions across the globe through areas such as improving agricultural productivity, combating maternal and child mortality, providing immediate disaster relief, fostering private sector development, elevating the role of women and girls, and providing humanitarian support.

U.S. Army Corps of Engineers uses Palisade Software and Custom Development for Tough Engineering Challenges

U.S. Army Corps of Engineers (USACE) divisions use @RISK and the DecisionTools Suite for dam and levee safety, asset management, cost estimation, construction, SMART Planning, regulatory functions, program management, project management, and more.

Using Monte Carlo Simulation for Air Emission Inventories in Kuwait

Consultants from United Nations Development Program (UNDP) assisted the Kuwait Environment Public Authority in creating a national emissions inventory in order to provide a countrywide air modeling capability. UNDP turned to @RISK to capture the full range of possible outcomes as opposed to establishing one particular static number.
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"I recommend NVivo to all my fellow researchers! I’ve probably convinced 10 researchers to try and buy it. It’s absolutely the best software out there for qualitative analysis and is a game changer for literature reviews. I’m a huge fan!"
Dr. Coleen Crouch
Research Psychologist, ​Walter Reed Army Institute of Research (US Army)
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"The ongoing work with KEPA has meant Palisade’s products are a very integral part of the success of this programme. Pretty much if we don’t use @RISK at least once a day, it means we’re on vacation."
Brian Freeman
Team Leader for Air Regulatory Management Systems, United National
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"Using @RISK we can now use the statistical properties of the input data to better represent the full spectrum of possible model inputs. Consequently, we have more insight into the spectrum of outputs. The statistical rigor of the modeling gives us much more confidence in the level of uncertainty of our emissions estimates and therefore the UK’s ability to meet the carbon budgets."
Dr. Roger Lampert
UK Department of Energy and Climate Change

Drive Policy Changes

For the most effective governance, based on the clearest and most actionable insights, trust the tools of Lumivero to help with everything from qualitative sociology to policy analysis frameworks.

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