Early Bird Registration - Register by July 31 to secure exclusive benefits.


$20,000 Grant for Early Career Researchers

2024 Theme: Research Excellence that Impacts Our World

Announcing the Lumivero Research Grant for
Early Career Researchers

Often the most innovative research comes from those just starting their careers. As such, Lumivero is thrilled to be supporting the next generation of researchers working to make a positive impact on our world. We recognize that early career researchers often find it difficult to access research grants as they must compete with established scholars, which is why Lumivero has established this grant just for academics who have recently received their doctorate.

Early Bird Registration

Register by July 31 to secure exclusive benefits, which offer unique networking opportunities and the chance to significantly amplify your skillset.

2024 Theme: Research Excellence that Impacts Our World

Lumivero’s Research Grant for Early Career Researchers will award $20,000 USD in funding over two years to an early career researcher making a positive impact in the world with a research project that uses NVivo, Citavi, or XLSTAT, shows promise and a contribution to knowledge, and a commitment to our theme: Research Excellence that Impacts Our World.
Research Excellence that Impacts Our World:
Whether it is research to support people and communities or to save our environment, Lumivero’s research tools empower researchers to make a positive impact in our world. In 2024, we will award our grant to a researcher who shares Lumivero’s commitment to improving the world through research excellence.

A limited number of second-tier awards will be awarded to top applicants not selected for the main prize.  

Eligibility Requirements

Workshops: 90 minutes

To be eligible to apply, you must have: 
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To be eligible to apply, you must have: 

To be eligible to apply, you must have: 
  • Been awarded your doctorate from 2016 up to and including 2023; 

  • An academic appointment at an institution of higher education; 

  • A proposal for a qualitative, statistical, or mixed method research project; 

  • The support of your university’s grants administration; and, 

  • Involvement of Citavi, NVivo and NVivo Transcription, NVivo Collaboration, or XLSTAT for at least part of the data analysis in your research.



Application Process and Deadline

Applications will be accepted from March 14, 2024 through July 31, 2024. Submissions must be in by 11:59 p.m. EDT on July 31, 2024.
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Workshops: 90 minutes

To be eligible to apply, you must have: 
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To be eligible to apply, you must have: 

Proposals will be reviewed and assessed by an academic committee appointed by Lumivero. We will be matching reviewers to applications as much as we can according to discipline and methods. The committee will be looking for the following:
  • A clearly stated and realistic research idea and budget.
  • An appropriate relevant review of the literature supporting the significance of the research proposal.
  • A research design that is appropriate for the stated aims.
  • A detailed realistic plan for data collection and analysis.
  • The kinds of output planned for the research results.
  • Extra points will be awarded if the proposal demonstrates a commitment to improving our world through research excellence, or if the proposal is innovative in terms of any of the following – the subject of research, the research design, the data collection method, the analysis process or the output.

Successful applicant(s) will be notified by Oct. 31, 2024.

Refer any questions to Kristiana Graves Floss – researchgrant@lumivero.com

To apply, submit all materials to the grant management platform.


Dr. Nicole Corley - 2020 Grant Winner

Dr. Nicole Corley, our inaugural Early Career Research Grant recipient in 2020, focused her art-based research project on the exploration of Black motherhood through collage-making, applying qualitative art-based collage as her primary research tool and using thematic analysis poetic transcription to analyze her collected data.

You can hear more about Dr. Corley’s process and journey on our NVivo Podcast: Between the Data – episodes 18 & 40.

Dr. Xanne Janssen - 2022 Grant Winner

Dr. Xanne Janssen, Senior Lecturer in the School of Psychological Sciences and Health at the University of Strathclyde, United Kingdom, was awarded the 2022 Early Career Research Grant. Her mixed methods study, Parents’ Barriers and Facilitators to Building Better Days, aims to help families, particularly those in deprived areas, to reduce obesity in their children by developing a “better day”.

The concept of a “better day” is based on the World Health Organization’s approach to preventing childhood obesity in under-5s using a simple 24-hour movement behaviors framework which assesses sleep, physical, and sedentary activities. Janssen’s research aims to contribute to our understanding of delivering the “better day” concept – and the barriers which stand in parents’ way.

We spoke to Janssen and her research assistant, Andrew Dalziell, at the University – you can see the full video here. Read more about Janssen in our blog post here.

About Lumivero Products


Change how you source, organize, write, and publish your work with the only all-in-one notetaking and reference management application that streamlines your writing experience. With Citavi, your presentation is half-written before you even begin.


Extract actionable insights from qualitative and mixed methods data with software designed for teams to collaborate and produce outstanding work together. With NVivo, research collaboration has never been easier.


Analyze, customize, and share your results within Microsoft Excel using XLSTAT, our powerful yet flexible statistical add-on with more than 300 standard to advanced statistical features available.


Evaluate risk with probabilistic risk analysis and modeling and Monte Carlo simulation in Excel — helping you gain a clear understanding of possible outcomes and make well-informed decisions based on facts.

NVivo Collaboration Cloud

Securely share data, expertise, and insights across research teams with NVivo’s Collaboration Cloud. By harnessing the power of the cloud to host NVivo projects – NVivo Collaboration Cloud provides teams with a secure way to store data, team analyses, and master project files

NVivo Transcription

Securely share data, expertise, and insights across research teams with NVivo’s Collaboration Cloud. By harnessing the power of the cloud to host NVivo projects – NVivo Collaboration Cloud provides teams with a secure way to store data, team analyses, and master project files

Session Presentations

Presentations: 30 minutes

The presentations include a description of the research project with methods, data collection, analysis, and findings. If Lumivero software was used, then an explanation on how it impacted the research project is included.
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Qualitative Research Methods

  • Lumivero Early Career Researcher Grant Winner: Parents’ Barriers and Facilitators to Building Better Days

  • Disruption and the Rise of AI: Exploring the Role of Technology in Qualitative Research

  • Lumivero Early Career Researcher Grant Winner: Parents’ Barriers and Facilitators to Building Better Days

  • Qualitative Synthesis and Its Application to a Review of Lethal Means Counseling Interventions

  • Using NVivo and Qualitative Research Methodologies to Write a Scoping Review about Project ECHO for Cancer Care

  • Using NVivo Software In Analyzing Qualitative, Quantitative, And Social Media Data

  • Literature Review With NVivo-How To Streamline Your Literature Review Process with NVivo

  • Game Changer – Systematic Literature Review Analysis using NVivo

  • Flexibility & Iteration: Exploring the Potential of Large Language Models in Developing and Refining Interview Protocols

Risk Management

  • Financial Evaluation of Changing Business Scenarios with @RISK: A Case Study

  • Leading Practices in Defining Risk Tolerance

  • Evaluating Optimal Commodity Hedges using @RISK

  • Probabilistic Time Series Forecasting of Refined Petroleum Product Demand for Optimal Resource Allocation in an Integrated Oil Value Chain

  • Building Better Oil & Gas Companies Through Enhancing the Finance Function with a Probabilistic Approach Using @RISK

Statistical Methods and Applications

  • A Simple Process to Analyze Free Sorting Data Given Incomplete Block Designs

  • Variants of the FIMIX-PLS Clustering Method in the Context of Structural Equation Models

  • Longitudinal Education and Career Outcomes of a Cancer Research Training Program for Underrepresented Students: The Meharry-Vanderbilt-Tennessee State University Cancer Partnership

  • ChatGPT in Statistics Education: A Learning Activity to Foster Statistical Thinking

Student Placement and Work Integrated Learning

  • The Utilization of Sonia as a Tool to Increase Collaboration, Efficiency, and to Monitor Compliance in a Higher Education School of Education Setting

  • Tevera: Student Success and Program Improvement, All-in-One!

  • Digital Literacy Digital Divide in Youth Internship and Workforce

  • Streamlining the Signing of Forms: Using the Invite External Reviewers or Respondents Tool

  • Playing Matchmaker: Optimizing Your Student Placement Management Software

  • An Institutional Approach to Rolling Out Sonia: A University of Canterbury Case Study

Writing and Reference Management

  • ChatGPT for Automated Writing Evaluation in Scholarly Writing Instruction

  • How Productive Scholars Write

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Early Bird Registration

VIP Access

Register by July 31, 2023

Register early to secure these exclusive benefits, which offer unique networking opportunities and the chance to significantly amplify your skillset. With limited slots, this is an opportunity that's not to be missed.
Lumivero Product Insider Session:

Secure your chance to shape Lumivero's future innovations. Engage in an exclusive brainstorming session with the Lumivero Product Team, helping steer the product roadmap with your invaluable insights and expertise.

Lumivero Expert Summit:

Get an all-access pass to informal sessions with our top-tier trainers, experts, and consultants. Dive deep into industry expertise and learn directly from those who have the knowledge and excellence in our disciplines and industries.



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